

Life Coaching

for an

Inspired You!




The truth is…

I loved complications.

Not intentionally, of course. But I loved making things complicated so I could solve it. Save the day! This habit infested into all areas of my life, from friendships to work to family life and most profoundly, my own mind.

Messy meant busy and busy meant productive and productive meant achieving and to achieve it had to be messy. So, the cycle continued and the only time there was a break was when there was an illness or burnout.


I had to make a change!

I also knew it had to start with me.

I needed to:

  • Understand myself.

  • Find clarity.

  • Live my purpose.

  • Be motivated.

  • Identify my goals.

  • Connect well to others.

  • Make clear decisions.

  • Enjoy my life!

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I’m Dimuthu.

I’m a Transformational Life Coach and a recovering addict to chaos.

Transformational Coaching helped me realise what was going on uniquely for me so that I could find a way to achieve and be fulfilled without the drama and chaos that comes with being busy.

And it can help you too.

Transformational Coaching involves helping people bettering themselves and their lives by bringing about necessary changes. It goes beyond changing how individuals are behaving, as with life coaching. to uncovering why they are behaving in this way in the first place. Transformation happens when individuals can see themselves clearly and go beyond their own limitations. It incorporates mindset, emotions and wellbeing to help the individual transform their approach to themselves and then their life.

The process is so efficient for those committed to it, and can help build self-confidence even in our young.

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