Resources for YOU
Regulate Emotions
Sometimes we experience really strong emotions and it can get the better of us. We need to implement and remind ourselves of simple things we can do to help us manage them. Feeling emotions are normal and an essential part of our existence. However, we must not let them take over everything in our lives.
Homework Planner
Whether you’re home-schooling or just need to get the kids motivated and organised with their work and chores, this guide aims to please. This planner is to help you empower your child to run their own schedule, feel great when they complete tasks and to feel in control of their mindset and their motivations. Download this for use and follow the guidelines. We hope it is of benefit to you and your child!
Connect with your kids
Connecting with our kids the way they need us to is not something we are born knowing how to do. When we are managing our own lives and it’s varying demands, we just need a plan to give our kids what they need also. Download our Connection Plan here and follow the guide to help you and your child.